The start of your infection control plan
illumiPure products for hospitals
illumiPure has a comprehensive umbrella of products and services that operate as part of your infection control plan, including innovative air and surface disinfection solutions that have been found effective against most AMR pathogens.
Our solutions help healthcare organizations in their efforts to reduce bacteria, viruses, spores, molds, and other pathogens that contribute to resistant infections, sepsis, and other conditions that contribute to higher mortality, extended length of stay, higher costs, and regulatory incident reporting.
Indoor air quality monitoring provides the essential information to make educated decisions about your infection control program. These numbers may indicate increases in molds, pathogens, or changes in chemical agents (such as cleaners) that may negatively affect patients. Vertices AQS is the ideal solution to learn about your indoor environment and potential threats from pathogens, particulates, and VOCs.
Aerosolized pathogens are a leading cause of illness worldwide; thus, providing air purification is essential to an infection control protocol.
illmiPure’s Air Guardian product line provides two layers of protection recommended by the CDC, UVGI and directional airflow. Adding continuous, localized, air treatment can help reduce disease as part of an infection control program.
Colonies of bacteria as well as spore and fungal growth on surfaces can lead to healthcare-associated infections as well as surgical site infections. illumiPure’s CleanWhite technology taps into the proven science of the 405nm wavelength of light to provide the world’s ultra-safe white light disinfectant.
Use CleanWhite in any space to begin disinfecting surfaces continuously and safely without disturbing your healthcare professionals.