
Healthcare facilities have complex and dynamic infection prevention challenges. Patients and staff need protection from exposure to aerosolized diseases, antimicrobial-resistant pathogens, and general disease transmission from patients and medical procedures in all care settings.

illumiPure products help create the cleanest indoor space possible by monitoring for and eliminating pathogens.

illumiPure's Product Suite is perfect for a variety of healthcare settings


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Emergency Care

healthcare_emergency care facilities

Skilled Nursing

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Waiting Rooms

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Medical Offices

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The start of your infection control plan

illumiPure products for hospitals

illumiPure has a comprehensive umbrella of products and services that operate as part of your infection control plan, including innovative air and surface disinfection solutions that have been found effective against most AMR pathogens.

Our solutions help healthcare organizations in their efforts to reduce bacteria, viruses, spores, molds, and other pathogens that contribute to resistant infections, sepsis, and other conditions that contribute to higher mortality, extended length of stay, higher costs, and regulatory incident reporting.

Indoor Air Quality Monitoring

Indoor air quality monitoring provides the essential information to make educated decisions about your infection control program. These numbers may indicate increases in molds, pathogens, or changes in chemical agents (such as cleaners) that may negatively affect patients. Vertices AQS is the ideal solution to learn about your indoor environment and potential threats from pathogens, particulates, and VOCs.

Air Purification

Aerosolized pathogens are a leading cause of illness worldwide; thus, providing air purification is essential to an infection control protocol.

illmiPure’s Air Guardian product line provides two layers of protection recommended by the CDC, UVGI and directional airflow. Adding continuous, localized, air treatment can help reduce disease as part of an infection control program.

Surface Disinfection

Colonies of bacteria as well as spore and fungal growth on surfaces can lead to healthcare-associated infections as well as surgical site infections. illumiPure’s CleanWhite technology taps into the proven science of the 405nm wavelength of light to provide the world’s ultra-safe white light disinfectant.

Use CleanWhite in any space to begin disinfecting surfaces continuously and safely without disturbing your healthcare professionals.

Infection control facts for healthcare professionals

$28.4 Billion Dollars

The direct medical cost associated

with preventable infections each year1

15 Minutes

How often someone in the United States dies from an

antimicrobial (AMR) resistant infection2

660,000 Cases

The number of fungal infections diagnosed

in the United State in 20183

12,800 Deaths

C. Diff deaths related to antibiotic use

and antibiotic resistance bacteria4

Products effective for your patients and budget

Reduce manpower and energy with the illumiPure product suite

illumiPure products were developed with healthcare systems’ time and money in mind.

The illumiPure product suite has removed the expense and labor of air purification by developing the first UVGI air treatment system that does not require a filter and is UL 2998-certified to produce no ozone.

Combine air purification products with ultra-safe white light disinfection to create an environment where air and surface pathogens are continuously and safely eliminated without needing manual labor.

Use illumiPure’s Vertices AQS to enhance energy efficiency by creating automatic parameters for your disinfection toolkit. 

Plus, most illumiPure products have a 30,000-hour limited warranty. That’s over three years of worry-free disinfection and protection.

Science-backed and
real-world proven

The Air Guardian air purification solutions have been expertly engineered to disinfect air and surfaces like no other solution on the market.


14340 Torrey Chase Blvd
Suite 410
Houston, TX 77014

Phone: (346) 588-7873

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