Last month, Kiddos of Katy invest in the health of their students and staff by adding Air Guardian, illumiPure’s patented filterless UVGI air purification system, allowing them to create the healthiest indoor space for their students and teachers.
Kiddos of Katy installed illumiPure’s Air Guardians in each of their classrooms as an additional health and safety measure, increasing their status as premier daycare in Katy. Each Air Guardian included Vertices AQS, a complete indoor and outdoor air quality monitoring system. Air quality monitoring has allowed Kiddos of Katy ownership and management to receive notifications about potential air quality threats.
“We are always looking for ways to improve the health and well-being of our students and faculty,” said Miguel, owner of Kiddos for Katy. “The combination of Air Guardian and Vertices AQS in our daycare allows us to make decisions about the classroom environment we didn’t think possible. Last week, we were notified about high allergen conditions, and we can adjust our student’s schedules to accommodate that.”
Miguel also said that since installing illumiPure’s product suite, he had seen reductions in particulate matter.
“It’s awesome to see how well a device works when you purchase it. When I look at the particle reduction, I know that we’re eliminating tons of bacteria and viruses that I was unable to treat before, and I’m doing right by my students”.
illumiPure products are available for all commercial and residential spaces. Our goal is to allow you the create the healthiest indoor environments where you live, work, and play.