How illumiPure’s Air Guardian and CleanWhite fight fungi and mold.
With Air Guardian® and CleanWhite®, a unique combination of technologies can be added to remove fungi and mold from indoor environments.
Safe for humans and animals, all harmful blue light is suppressed by CleanWhite technology. CleanWhite is often used to kill resistant organisms, many of which flourish in hospitals and healthcare settings.
Uses patented LED lighting that emits specialized, precision blue-light wavelengths.
Illuminates disinfecting 405/470nm light wavelengths in a white-light spectrum.
Many pathogens are eliminated within the first 4 hours, while >99% of the most difficult fungi, mold, and spores are destroyed within 24 hours.
How air travels throughout rooms, spaces, and within buildings may affect disease transmission more than any other factor. Air Guardian produces a pure, downward airflow that creates a protective layer of air within the breathing strata.
Air is continuously exposed to intense oxidation processes beginning with the initial filter and continuing along pathway corridors. These processes destroy and inactivate pathogens.
As air travels along internal corridors, powerful UV irradiation of more than 120,000 millijoules/cm2 provides more than 2 x 106 times the energy needed to kill pathogens, such as SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. UV irradiation at these intense levels either destroys, removes, or inactivates particulates and pathogens prior to final filtration.
The safe, sealed Air Guardian fixture ingests air at a rate of 240-300 cubic feet per minute, which facilitates rapid room air changes. Each fixture can replace 14,400-18,000 cubic feet of air per hour.* Room air changes can occur every several minutes depending upon variations of room size and fixture selection.
This patent pending medical-grade device leverages scientifically validated mechanisms utilized within illumiPure’s Air Guardian and CleanWhite technologies to provide the highest level of infection protection.
Provides local in-room air filtration
Personalized ventilation
Provides upper-room UVGI
In-room flow regimes
HEPA or HEPA-level filtration
Provides removal of volatile organic chemicals (VOCs)
With Air Guardian® and CleanWhite®, a unique combination of technologies can be added to remove fungi and mold from indoor environments.
For a decade, scientists have studied the application of visible blue light for disinfection. By 2016, blue light disinfection was in its commercial infancy. Although
Fill out the information for the latest scienctific knowledge on air/surface purification and disinfection.
Germicidal UV (GUV) refers to using ultraviolet radiant energy to inactivate bacteria, mold spores, fungi or viruses. When the process is applied in a given location, it has generally been referred to as ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI). Because of the public’s concern about ionizing radiation (e.g., X-rays and gamma rays), the term GUV avoids needless concerns about a link with that type of radiation. Another non-technical term is germicidal light, although “light” is technically only visible radiation.
No. Germicidal ultraviolet (GUV) – refers to short-wavelength ultraviolet “light” (radiant energy) that has been shown to kill bacteria and spores and to inactivate viruses. Wavelengths in the photobiological ultraviolet spectral band known as the “UV-C,” from 200 to 280 nanometers (nm), have been shown to be the most effective for disinfection, although longer, less energetic UV can also disinfect if applied in much greater doses. UV-C wavelengths comprise photons (particles of light) that are the most energetic in the optical spectrum (comprising UV, visible, and infrared) and therefore are the most photochemically active.
Yes, UV-C kills living bacteria, but viruses are technically not living organisms; thus, we should correctly say “inactivate viruses.” Individual, energetic UV-C photons photochemically interact with the RNA and DNA molecules in a virus or bacterium to render these microbes non-infectious. This all happens on the microscopic level. Viruses are less than one micrometer (µm, one-millionth of a meter) in size, and bacteria are typically 0.5 to 5 µm.
Yes, if the virus is directly illuminated by UV-C at the effective dose level. UV-C can play an effective role with other methods of disinfection, but it is essential that individuals be protected to prevent UV hazards to the eyes and skin. UV-C should not be used to disinfect the hands!
The official position of the World Health Organization (WHO) is that this virus is spread by contact with large respiratory droplets, directly or indirectly by touching contaminated surfaces and then touching the eyes, nose, or mouth. However, research is underway to determine the degree of airborne spread—meaning virus in particles so small that they remain suspended in air. Such aerosol results from the evaporation of larger respiratory particles generated by coughs, sneezes, ordinary speech, singing, and possibly by faulty plumbing systems, as occurred with the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) virus. How much of the virus responsible for COVID-19 is spread by the airborne route is not clear, but recommendations for healthcare workers to use fitted respirators, not surgical masks, reveal official concern for airborne transmission. The possibility that inhaled virus may result in more-severe lung damage than acquisition by other routes—for example, via the mouth, nose, or eye—is currently being investigated.
This is important, but difficult to answer in a simple fashion and it depends on how the microbes were made airborne, e.g., from a sneeze or cough, or by being blown up from surfaces or dusted off clothes. The smallest particles (1- to 5-µm droplet nuclei) can remain airborne much longer than cough droplets—for many minutes or even hours.
14340 Torrey Chase Blvd
Suite 410
Houston, TX 77014
Phone: (346) 588-7873